
Health Tech

These 10 Trends Are Affecting The Healthcare Economy The Most

Healthcare-focused market research firm Trilliant Health published a report detailing the 10 most significant economic trends affecting U.S. healthcare stakeholders in 2023. Some of the main ideas covered in the report included Americans’ worsening physical and mental health, the industry’s shift away from traditional care pathways, and the way patients' decision making is becoming increasingly driven by consumerism.

Health Tech

Hospitals Should Take A Page Out of Amazon’s Digital Engagement Playbook, Argues Providence Digital Chief

In order for health systems to “not be commoditized fully,” they need to collect data to know their patients’ behaviors better and build stronger relationships with them, argued Sara Vaezy, Providence’s chief strategy and digital officer. Consumer brands like Amazon have been doing this for years so they can deliver personalized experiences to their users, and it's time hospitals take a page out of their playbook, she said.

Health Tech

Why Patients Are Demanding a More Digital Healthcare Payment Process

Patient demand for digital payment communication — both reminders about bills, as well as text messages that enable bill payment — is on the rise, according to a recent report. This is in line with growing consumerism trends in the U.S. — patients want their healthcare payment experience to mimic the convenience and ease they have when they pay for things like travel or retail goods.

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